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16 Creative Billboards Worth Advertising


With the constant innovations of advertising in new media, it's easy to forget the tried and true forms of advertising that once dominated media buys. The old fashioned billboard tends to be plastered with text and ugly graphics, but there are pioneers who are pushing the limits of a once conservative business. Here are 16 creative billboards that step out of the bounds of an old media:


(Images via danvertising, artatm)

Billboards can do something even the most complicated online display advertising can – and that's break through the boundaries and become truly interactive with the real world. There's something about the tactile nature of this kind of ad that impels one to talk about it with friends.


(Images via andersonf, toxel, mymodernmet)

Sometimes it's not what's on the billboard, but rather how empty space is used. Removing part of a billboard to make a point is wonderful because it's both eye catching, and shows that the advertiser took the time to study the environment the billboard would inhabit, and stylized it to interact uniquely.


(Images via inquisitr, billboardom, billboardom, fistofblog)

It's amazing what you can do with a simple rectangle, and bringing in a little creativity with shape and texture can make a typically two dimensional ad medium really pop out. People expect something from a boring billboard, so it's great when those expectations are ruined.


(Images via geekologie, greensboring, viviangrant, greensboring)

Bloom supermarkets have pioneered the most interactive billboards yet, by creating two different billboards that emit smells into the surrounding area. The first such billboard wafted steak scents for passing motorists, and the second incorporated a fallen muffin and wonderful blueberry muffin smells.


(Images via dailygalaxy, otakuchick)

Billboards can be a surprisingly effective platform (literally) for environmental causes, as exemplified by these creative setups, which destroy expectations of what's possible with a rectangular space.


(Images via davewilliamsdesigns, thecrapbox, pedrogoico)

These billboards truly step off the board and enter the real world with their off the wall uses of 3 dimensional features. Figures escape the boundaries of the ad and become compelling entertainment.

source: http://weburbanist.com/2010/11/09/16-creative-billboards-worth-advertising/

23 Foto Pemenang Seni Grafiti Dunia

Seorang seniman Perancis yang misterius mengubah beberapa hunian kumuh di dunia yang paling tertindas dengan foto-foto yang menghantui berskala besar telah memenangkan penghargaan kemanusiaan $ 100.000 untuk karyanya. Lalu pemenang dari hadiah TED - yang kuliah di California berfokus pada teknologi, hiburan dan desain - termasuk Bono dan Bill Clinton. Penerima membuat "keinginan" untuk proyek kemanusiaan mereka semakin ambisius, dan sumbangan luar kemudian datang untuk pendanaan karyanya.

mysterious street artist02 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist03 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist04 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

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mysterious street artist06 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist07 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist08 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist09 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist10 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist11 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist12 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist13 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist14 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist15 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist16 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist17 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist18 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist19 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist20 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist21 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist22 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist23 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist

mysterious street artist24 Street Artwork from Mysterious Artist
sumber :http://dunia-panas.blogspot.com/2010/11/23-foto-pemenang-seni-grafiti-dunia.html

[Sharing] Lukisan 3 Dimensi Paling Fenomenal di Dunia

Interview With Digital Artist Ferdi Rizkiyanto aka Pepey

Today's interview is with Indonesia based Graphic Designer Ferdi Rizkiyanto, also known as Pepey. You probably remember him for one of his more popular photo-manipulations, a PSA demonstrating the threat of Global Warming. Ferdi's graphic design work is amazing and has exceptional attention to detail.

Lets start with an introduction. Could you tell us about yourself, where you're from and how you got started in the design field?

My real name is Ferdi Rizkiyanto, I'm from Jakarta – Indonesia, when I was in high school my older brother introduced me with Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop, then when I was in college, got myself in-love with 3D software such as Poser and Bryce for quite a while.

Red Bull the spirit within by Pepey

I've seen that many of your designs use 3D in combination with lighting effects, is there any particular reason?

When I was still hooked with 3D I've always interested how to make a realistic CG artwork, and lighting fx is one of the most important essence to do it. And now I use that reference every time I need it with my concept.


What would you say have been some of your strongest influences as a designer and digital artist?

since I just a kid, I always admire and inspired by sci-fi, horror and superheroes stories, it's amazing how they can make fiction into something that look so real and believable.


Were there any barriers you've had to overcome in entering the field and trying to develop as an artist?

Well, it's a tough and fast world out there, the only barrier is myself, if I want to keep up with it, I'll just have to keep upgrading my skill, keep trying to push myself to be better and keep learning new things.


What would you say is the largest difficulty you've encountered when working on a design, and how did you overcome it?

Sometimes it's hard to get an idea or inspiration to visualize the message that I want to deliver, usually I just began to do more research about it and hopefully gonna get inspired on the process.


What has been your most valuable resources as a designer?

The Internet, it's the never-ending resource of knowledge and inspiration, from the most basic design tutorial to the "out of the world" inspiration are there.


What would you say is the hardest part of being a designer?

For me, there is no hardest part if you love what you do, every obstacles is a whole new adventure that I have to overcome, and in the end I'll have a valuable experience by going through it :D


Are there any other designers or artist that you draw inspiration or advice from?

Well, I'm a fan of Piotr Jaworowski work, that dude rocks! you can see his amazing work at [link]


So far what would you say is your favorite piece you've that you have created, and why?

The Global Warming PSA – Time
Beside the message itself, the design process of that particular piece really helped me to upgrade my skill and sharpen my attention to detail.


If you could use design to influence or change the world in a positive way, how would you go about it?

If I could use it, then I'll do it by making everyone to take their part and responsibilities to help stop any more damage that has been done to our beautiful planet.


What do you hope to achieve design wise in the next 5 years?

Really don't know what to answer/hope for, I guess we'll just have to wait and see :)

Thanks for a great interview Ferdi! You can support Ferdi and his artwork by visiting his online portfolios and leaving comments on his images as well as adding them to your favorites.



source: http://robertoblake.com/blog/2009/09/interview-with-digital-artist-ferdi-rizkiyanto-aka-pepey/